Congratulations Everyone! It is tax season and the biggest lie ever told was, and is, there are two certainties in life: Death and Taxes.

I disagree with this statement. For one, some people never see death coming, tragic yes, but no one has to deal with it long term. But what about taxes? Don't get me started. There are plenty of people out there, both rich and not rich, who never have and never will pay their fair share. Don't go 'all political on me here' you know what I mean, so leave it at that.
There is only one certainty in life, and that is the Big C... CHANGE. You can be doing everything right and out of nowhere a life altering moment can occur. It can be a car you didn't see, or didn't see you while on a ride, it could be a weather-related incident, such as the tornados that touched down in Mullica Hill last fall and decimated a community with almost no warning. Heck, it could be a scratch off lottery ticket that hit's big (I actually know someone who's family hit the lottery TWICE!).
Take your training: If you take Mother Time out of the equation, you are either becoming fit, or falling out of fitness. There is no middle ground. The same with your bank account. The same with your job. The same with your relationships. You must take a look at what matters most in your life and cultivate it like your life depends on it... because it does.
If these past few years have taught me anything, it's a sense of humbleness that we (me, you, and every American) are the most fortunate people on planet earth. That is the gratitude side of my soul speaking. There's something else it has taught me: I will not hesitate to take action and go after what I want and eliminate what I do not. I have realized too many people are content to coast into a sleepy mediocrity of zero results and the only CHANGE they ever see is the one they never see coming and that is usually filled with a loss of some kind. Read that again.
I ask you all to take command of your life. Apply the rule of 1% to your daily activities and define what it is you want in this world and become the change you need to in order to achieve that dream. That's what we're doing here in DelMoLand and we hope you're taking notice.