WBTU? Do you get it? My Avalon girls will tell you: Who’s Better Than You? Answer: NOBODY!

If you don’t believe that, you should start. If already believe that, you’re on the right path. Here at DelMoSports we truly believe in each and every one of our athletes. We believe you are are “the most important person in the room” on race day. Seriously. That is why we take YOUR SAFETY as our #1 priority. We value YOU more than medals, shirts, swag, post race food, and even beer. Our #1 goal is to get you to work on Monday morning…whether you want to go or not! Don’t believe us? Check out a few examples:
Have you ever done a sprint triathlon? If so, do you remember seeing over 50 lifeguards in the water for a 450 yard swim? If not, you’ve never competed in the Tri the Wildwoods Triathlon & 5k. Have you ever biked on a closed bike course? If not, you’ve never raced the Atlantic City Triathlon & 5k, where we employ the services of the Atlantic City Police Department, NJDOT, the South Jersey Transportation Authority, NJ State Troopers and professionally licensed and insurance traffic company Atlas Flasher to handle your safety. Please tell me you don’t have to dodge vehicles on your run courses. At a DelMoSports event, all of our run courses are VEHICLE FREE and if an athlete has to run on the street, we make sure there is clear/coned separation between vehicles and runners. When it comes to your safety we spare no expense and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you are thinking about doing your first race, or getting back into the sport, or if this is your 20th season, remember you will always get what you pay for. Make a wise investment.
Do the Work and Rest Easy,