Meet Volunteer extraordinaire, Patty!

We met Patty as a volunteer at the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 Atlantic City and this past year, she has volunteered at 3 DelMo events! She is truly wonderful!!!
1. How did you get started volunteering with DelMoSports?
As an athlete I have competed in many running races. I have always picked up my packets and ran the race. I never even realized the amount of preparation involved in setting up these events. So I chose a sport (triathlons), that I do not compete in, to give back. After working with DelMoSports for one event I was hooked.
2. What is your favorite DelMoSports event to volunteer at and why?
I will start by saying anything connected to DelMoSports is my favorite event(s) to volunteer for. The people are amazing and the events are always very well organized.
If I had to choose one event it would be the Atlantic City Triathlon. I love that many of the participants are competing in their first triathlon and are very excited to pick up their packets. As a volunteer I get to be a part of this special experience with these participants.

3. What is your favorite volunteer shift?
I always sign up for the Athlete Check-in shift. I love to meet the athletes and provide words of encouragement prior to the race. Many times we are the “first face” they see and we can provide them with positive and supportive words and guide them on where to get answers to their many questions.
4. Favorite pre-volunteer meal?
My favorite meal is a grilled chicken sandwich (sometimes with fries).
5. What is your favorite memory from a DelMoSports event?
I was working the Atlantic City Triathlon and a participant came to my line to pick up her packet. She said to me “You were the volunteer that checked me in last year at the Ironman and I did the best race of my life. I wanted to return to you as my good luck charm,” I saw her again, during the run, and she stopped and gave me a huge hug and “thanked me”. I was glad I could be a part of her experience.
6. What do you do with your free time when you are NOT volunteering?
I am a retired educator. I live on the Jersey shore for four months (summer) and the Central Coast in California for the other eight months during the year. I continue to work with school Districts, in California, as a site administrator and support in human resources. I am also a part-time professor at Cal Lutheran University.
I also spend my free time running, golfing, working in the yard, friends and spending time with my rescue miniature-dachshund Lucy.
7. Tell us three things we should know about you
- I have completed 40 marathons
- I am passionate about rescuing animals.
- I enjoy traveling within the United States and Europe.