It was 2 days after the 11th Annual Desatnick Real Estate Escape The Cape Triathlon and for the umpteenth time I was taking my daughter to school 3 minutes late. I hate being late...a lot. However, there are things beyond my control and my 14-year old daughter Lucy is undoubtedly one of them. This is her 8th grade year, and she is days from graduation, so I don't fret. I just enjoy my 5-minute car rides as much as I can for, they won't last forever. I dropped her off, pulled out of the school parking lot and proceeded to the light where I was greeted by the crossing guard, who is also the school board president. He just finished his shift. The light was red, so we had a few seconds to chat.

It was 2 days after the 11th Annual DeSatnick Real Estate Escape The Cape Triathlon and for the umpteenth time I was taking my daughter to school 3 minutes late. I hate being late...a lot. However, there are things beyond my control and my 14-year old daughter Lucy is undoubtedly one of them. This is her 8th grade year, and she is days from graduation, so I don't fret. I just enjoy my 5-minute car rides as much as I can for, they won't last forever. I dropped her off, pulled out of the school parking lot and proceeded to the light where I was greeted by the crossing guard, who is also the school board president. He just finished his shift. The light was red, so we had a few seconds to chat.
Him: "How's life in the fast lane these days?"
Me: "Too fast, I need to get in your lane."
Him: "Well, you've got to put your application in now. Don't wait or it'll be too late."
And with that, I was yet again blown away by the passing of simple knowledge of which had a profound affect within a millisecond. Was he trying to be cryptic or was he making easy conversation? Wait, what was he really trying to say? Was he trying to help me? Does he even remember our 10-15 second talk? Am I reading into this too much? What does it mean to put in your application now? I've thought about this for nearly a week and this is what I've come up with: Create the plan. Take the trip. Schedule the meeting. Make the call. Write the play. Ask the question. Go for the jugular. Shift your focus. Decide what you are willing to give in order to receive.
Putting your application in means something different for everyone. For some, living a full life may have zero to do with athletics and everything to do with tapping into what makes your soul tick. I have an uncle who swears he was a Civil War soldier in his past life. He's not joking when he says it. He is as honest and sincere as you can possibly be. Weird right? Not to him. Your application doesn't have to make sense it just needs to feel right. I'm going to place that in bold below so you don't miss it:
Your application doesn't have to make sense, it just needs to feel right.
I never dreamed of becoming a race director/event professional, but it feels right and the feeling has been evolving. I trust it and myself and let the river flow.
How many people only make decisions and put in applications that make sense only to feel empty and unhappy?
Not me. Hopefully not you. Summer is upon us. The Gods are hiring. Put your app in before it's too late.