This month we are recognizing Fran Mack for her exceptional determination to complete Ironman Maryland. Her commitment to crossing the finish line has been truly remarkable. Read more about Fran's triathlon journey.

1. Tell us 3 things we should know about you.
1.) I'm determined
2.) I'm grateful to be able to do what I do as I'm
3.) I'm humble as I'm always happy to be cheerleader first. But I have a wicked sense of humor. I tend to give the impression that I don't always take myself seriously, but I have that competitive drive hiding inside!
2. When did you begin your triathlon journey?
I've been a runner my entire life. My very first triathlon was in 2000. The Osprey Sprint in Public Landing Maryland. Ironically it was their first annual tri. I still have the t-shirt!!! I had no clue what to expect. I borrowed a mountain bike, no formal swim training, grew up around water. I'm very comfortable in open water. As far as transition, I just copied off of others as far as setting up. Beautiful scenery. Met great people on the way who helped me along as I looked like a deer in headlights. But had a great time and finished. I was instantly hooked.
3. What do you love most about triathlon?
First and foremost the triathlon community. I'm a proud member of Wild Harbor Tri club. I love the fact that with 3 disciplines I have the opportunity to learn about each one separately. I never had formal swim lessons so I learned a lot. Cycling was new to me and I learned so much from my fellow road cyclists. Running has always been my strength. In the off season I run lots of 5k's. I also show dogs competitively. I have a Bulldog, Jose who is now competing as a veteran. He recently received an award of merit at the prestigious Westminster dog show. I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends in both the dog show circle and my triathlon family. The support is amazing.
4. What made you keep attempting Ironman? What was your motivation to complete the race?
The loaded question; Back in 2019 I decided to enter Ironman Maryland after my dear friend Rose took me there to spectate the year before. We cheered on our club members. I didn't have a coach or anything. So my first attempt, 3 days prior my niece passed away. My family insisted I go. My head wasn't into it. I missed swim cutoff by 5 min. Rose insisted I go volunteer as it was a long day ahead so instead of feeling sorry for myself, I met the most amazing volunteers working bike check out.
So I decided to try again a few years later. Hired my amazing coach Katie from Speed Sherpa. No clue what to expect. Yikes. Deferred due to Covid pandemic. So attempt #2 I was confident. Made it all the way to mile 16 only to not make run cutoff. I was devastated. It messed with my mind for months afterwards as so many people were rooting for me. I felt I let them down. I let myself down. Then the unexpected happened, my rock, my mentor, my dear friend Rose passed away suddenly in 2023. My heart was shattered. Attempt #3 I knew what I had to do. Try ONE MORE TIME...Yep. Signed up for IMMD 2024! Coach Katie on board again. Prove to myself I can do this. I swear Rose was with me the entire time. They say third times the charm. Was it easy? No..are any Ironmans easy? Fast and flat...swim/bike/run/swim Here's the Delmo part; instead of complaining about the backstretch of a 3 loop run literally flooded up to our knees Steve's inner voice came over me. Embrace the suck. Use it for recovery. Fight through it. I will never complain about Delmo sand again! Steve...don't get any ideas. Water walking SUCKS! Not to be denied, I kept everyone on the edge of their seats with 5 minutes to spare and finished the last 3 miles with negative splits!!! Whew. Those magic words: Fran Mack YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!I I am finally a crabbie Ironman!!!
5. What is your race mantra?
6. What is one piece of advice you have for anyone looking to get involved in triathlon?
I encourage all my friends and family to Volunteer. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get the inspiration and confidence. It's amazing when they meet athletes that tell them they never swam or rode a bike and are doing half and full Ironmans!!! That's the saying- Anything is Possible. I'm living proof. I became an Ironman at 64!!!
7. What is your favorite DelMo event and why?
t's a tie: Escape the Cape...because I am terrified of heights and it helped conquer a fear. I'm now a repeat offender..did every single one except the first!!! Tri the Wildwoods, I love ocean swims. The relaxed atmosphere. The awesome boardwalk run. And the fact that I made poster child for that race few years back with my Miss America jump at the finish!
8. What is your favorite race memory?
A moment I will cherish forever; IMMD 2024, Fran Mack YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!! Never give up on your dreams. It takes a village, and I had a village supporting me throughout the entire journey and for that I am forever grateful and thank each and every one of you who was there for me every step of the way!!!
We're so happy for Fran Mack and all of her amazing accomplishments as a triathlete!