Each month, an athlete is selected to be the monthly newsletter's Athlete Highlight. In honor of Veteran's Day, we decided to highlight 3 of our own!
1. How did you come to start working for DelMoSports?
- Larry: I first met Steve as an athlete and then later started pacing the half marathon in Wildwood. As I was working for another triathlon company and it was suggested that I join the DelMo team which I did in 2019.
- Dan: Steve Del Monte was offering a military discount promotion on select races a few years ago. I wasn't available during those select dates because of an upcoming deployment. Steve and the team worked with me to get me into an event upon my return. That said a lot about the company to me as a veteran. I reached out not long after to see if they needed any part time help on the team.
- Jose: I first found out about DelMo from working the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 Atlantic City.

2. What do you bring to the DelMoSports family?
- Larry: I feel I bring a lot of experience to the team through my own athletic career and from my military career. I also have a real passion for the sport and truly believe in the product that DelMo sports puts out there.
- Dan: A willingness to work long hours on a team to achieve something greater than I could achieve on my own. You won't make it in this industry if you're staring at the clock wondering what time the work day is done. The work is over when the race director is satisfied that the course is constructed safely and in a manner that creates a positive experience for the athletes.
- Jose: Motivation, Positivity, Strong Work Ethnic, A Can Do Attitude, the Going the Extra Mile Concept, and a sense of responsibility to perform at the highest level I can so the athletes experience is one of their best one during that particular year.
3. Have you participated in a DelMoSports event?
- Larry: I was the run leg of a relay team at Tri the Wildwoods, way back in the early days of that race. I've also competed in Challenge AC 2014, Run leg of IM70.3AC and ETC Open Water Challenge. I also ran the half marathon a few times in WW.
- Dan: My first event was Escape the Cape in 2018. I had just returned from Afghanistan. My family traveled up from Louisiana to watch me. My mother is disabled but we were able to get her a spot on the sidewalk near Harpoons with an amazing view. The weather was gorgeous. It was a good day for me and my family.
- Jose: Only through working them.

4. Which event is your favorite to work?
- Larry: ETC and WW events. Women's Tri is also really fun to work.
- Dan: My favorite event to work is Escape the Cape hands down! I am typically on the team assigned to work the finish line. This gives me the unique vantage point of seeing so many athletes who sign up for this "bucket list" event cross the finish line. The event is more challenging than I think people realize. Each year I see a handful of athletes cry genuine tears of joy as they cross the finish line and have a special moment with their loved ones.
- Jose: Escape the Cape Triathlon
5. What activities do you enjoy in your time off / the off-season?
- Larry: Big fan of the NFL and the KC Chiefs. I also work game day security at the Linc. I love winter running.
- Dan: My sons play sports all year long. When I am not working I am usually checking out their practices or sporting events.
- Jose: Running, Walking, Hiking, Bike ride, soccer, reading and going on adventures

6. What is your favorite work experience with DelMoSports?
- Larry: The team is the best, it's not really work when you enjoy being around the staff and the athletes.
- Dan: This is the most difficult question so far to answer. I have so many good memories. My favorite moments are when we hear of an athlete's family member who is having difficulties getting to the finish line. Maybe they have a hard time walking through sand, or they are having a difficult time navigating the crowds. On several occasions we've transported spectators to the finish line in off-road vehicles so that they are in the right place at the right time to witness their loved on cross the finish.
- Jose: Each event is unique so I like each of them.
7. Tell us three things we should know about you.
- Larry: Retired Marine Sergeant Major, completed marathons in all 50 states, was the singer in a glam rock band in the 80's...
- Dan: Proud father. Proud veteran. Loyal friend.
- Jose: I love people and do my best to add positive value to them. I am 100% sold out to our Military Widows and their kids. I am all about God, Country, and family. BONUS: I am a crazy Wawa Raving Fan!