Meet Team RWB athlete, Wendy Huffmann!

Each month we highlight a DelMo Athlete. This month, meet Wendy!
I'm Wendy Huffman, a software product manager with a passion for bringing people together outdoors. Plans A through G in life didn't work out exactly as I had planned, but it's given me a level of resilience I simply can't imagine living without. If you want to find me, just look for water and that's where I'll be! Swimming, moonlight kayaking, hammocking near the Susquehanna River, or guiding a group of military veterans on a run along the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail... the water is my home.

1. Which DelMo event is your favorite and why?
I was scheduled to compete in the Escape the Cape Triathlon this year prior to it being rescheduled. As an athlete with activity induced asthma, I look for races that include a novel experience because setting a PR isn't my top priority. Me and two co-workers all agreed to do this race together and prepping for the race was an exciting bond that brought us together like no after work happy hour ever could! I can't wait to get my chance to jump off that ferry!
2. Where did you complete your #VirtualWPT (each leg), and what was your favorite part? (Maybe this includes figuring out where to swim/bike/run!)
I completed the swim at our local rec center, then I ran at a park with a friend. I capped my virtual triathlon off with a bike ride in the baking 95 degree afternoon heat. With .25 miles left to go on the bike I got a flat tire but kept riding because I'm still new to cycling and I wasn't sure what to do when it happened. I've since learned you can run with your bike. Assuming my bike forgives me for riding on the rims I'll definitely try that next time!
I love being back in the pool after the rec reopened but honestly the run was my favorite leg! I went way out of my comfort zone and invited a runner friend from the military veteran group I volunteer with (Team RWB) to run with me. She's way faster than me, but she always makes me feel valued and good enough. Friends like that are a rare gem! Normally, if I were doing a race like this I'd quietly do it on my own and tell others about it once I'd finished. It was so fun to run that leg with someone else. I'm glad I asked her to join me.
3. What is your race mantra?
"Empty the tank!"
This is from my women's crew coach at Temple University. You have to put it all out there and know you had nothing more to give after that finish line.
4. What’s your favorite workout song?
Hall of Fame by The Script &
5. What has been keeping you busy during Quarantine?
I volunteer with Team RWB, an organization dedicated to helping Iraq/Afghanistan-era military veterans transition out of military life back to the civilian world after their enlistment ends.
Recently, I headed up the #pennsylvaniaflagrelay, a virtual flag relay across the state of Pennsylvania, leading up to PTSD-awareness month. It was so exciting to see veterans lace up their shoes and chose to be active during these challenging times!
6. Tell us three things we should know about you.
1) I have 4 kids - one still in diapers and one learning to drive!
2) I love planning and executing outdoor adventures. Nothing makes me happier than seeing people outside connecting in real-life. (In normal times of course... or where social distancing is possible).
3) I love fun facts. The fact that you asked for 3 interesting facts in your survey makes me love DelMoSports even more!