Meet Athlete, Patrick!

Meet DelMo athlete, Patrick Flynn! TRI AC is where it all started for Patrick.
1. What is your favorite DelMoSports event to race and why?
My favorite DelMoSports race is Tri A.C. in 2016. It was the first triathlon I have ever done. It is ran very well and I look forward to participating in it every year.
2. What is your favorite workout song?
I don’t listen to music when I work out. I listen to motivational podcasts like Jocko Willink.
3. Favorite pre-race meal?
My favorite pre-race meal has got to be granola and milk. I look forward to it even when I’m not racing.

4. What is your race mantra?
Success is never owned, it is rented and the rent is due everyday.
5. What is your favorite memory from a DelMoSports event?
Ever since I started doing triathlons in 2016 i’ve always wanted to do IRONMAN 70.3 AC. My goal was 2020 but a shoulder surgery set me back. But without a doubt, crossing the finish line in the 2022. IRONMAN 70.3 AC 70.3 was my favorite.
6. What does your training look like right now?
I am always looking to do new things so I am still working out as much as I can. I still have some goals I want to accomplish.
7. What is your goal for this upcoming season?
So far I have signed up for the Hammonton tri, Tri A.C. Olympic and the IRONMAN 70.3 AC again.
8. Tell us three things we should know about you.
1. I work multiple jobs sometimes days and nights with Little sleep. Sometimes it’s hard, but I always find a way to get my workouts in.
2. Growing up, I never played sports and was never athletic so I’m proof you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
3. I’m a very positive person.