Every cloud has a silver lining, and for Lisa Kobierowski the silver lining to last year’s shut down was the creation of Kobe Fitness, an online workout program.
Kobe Fitness launched the first round of the 50 Day Workout Challenge in November 2020. Now over 200 days later and in the fifth round, the Kobe Fitness 50 Day Workout Challenge has developed into a group of participants (mainly women) who have sweat their way through live and taped virtual workouts.
So, how does it work? Participants are invited to a private Facebook group where workouts are live streamed daily at 6:00 am in the summer (5:30 am during the school year). Not a morning person? No worries, the workouts stay in the group page for you to do on your time, and you will always have access to the video library after your 50 Day Challenge ends.
The 35-minute workouts are a mix of weighted strength exercises and cardio exercises and are done in forty second intervals with short beaks in between. The goal is to “find your hard” in those forty seconds of work and that looks different for everyone based on their individual fitness levels. The beauty of the timed interval format is that no matter what your current fitness level is there’s modifications to increase or decrease the intensity. With these modifications everyone gets a great workout. There’s no fancy choreography to follow and no expensive equipment to buy. All you need is a small workout area and a set of dumbbells. Most participants use a 3, 5, or 8 pound set of dumbbells.

Strength training is often a neglected piece to one’s training regiment, but the benefits to strength training cannot be overlooked. Stronger bones, better joint mobility, and improved balance are just some of the healthy benefits of strength training. Emphasis is put on achieving a #StrongNotSkinny physique and creating the healthiest version of ourselves to face life’s physical challenges.
Staying focused and dedicated is tough so there’s fun games and challenges along the way. Who doesn’t love winning prizes! Consistency is rewarded too. Participants who complete every workout on the day they were recorded share in the CASH JACKPOT PRIZE each round.
Does this sound like something to add to your training schedule? Join the remainder of Round 5 of the Kobe Fitness 50 Day Workout Challenge that’s going on now. You’ll get 25 unique daily workouts on Monday-Friday from August 2 to September 3 ….. plus bonus weekend workouts.... plus the library of the first 25 workouts from Round 5….. plus the chance to win cash and prizes. All for a $30 investment in yourself.
Complete the Google form for all the details: https://forms.gle/mU8xVs6nS9tBZpz38
Or message “Kobe Fitness” on Facebook.