Never stay in the same place moaning and groaning and NOT make a change because it doesn't hurt enough.

Back in my day (oh that hurts to say) rather than scour the internet for whatever you wanted to research and learn, you would subscribe to a particular magazine, and there were magazines (and still are) for every possible interest or hobby. I had a few subscriptions.
1. Sports Illustrated
2. The Surfers Journal
3. Triathlete
4. Inside Triathlon
5. Success
Only 1 of those magazines came with a CD each month; Success. The CD, which was a brilliant marketing idea, provided interviews and excerpts of successful people, speakers, and overall great stories. My favorite was Jim Rohn. He was able to convey simple messages of how to achieve your maximum potential. One of my favorite sayings was, "What if an apple a day is all it took...and you didn't eat it?" Or, " Someone spent 30 years mastering their craft, then another year writing it all down. Yet, you didn't take a week or two to read about it. Why?" I had never heard questions like that before. For the first time I would begin to see things a little differently, from a new angle. Things started to make a bit more sense. I've been on a quest ever since. But, there was one story that really left a mark like no other. Here it is:
I went to visit a friend at his house. As I walked up the driveway, I saw him sitting on his porch and rocking on a chair. Next to him was his dog, however, his dog was whimpering in pain. Concerned, I asked what was wrong with the dog. My friend said, "Nothing, why?" Alarmed, I asked, "Then why does he keep moaning and groaning while just laying there." "Oh, oh that? Well, he's laying on a nail," he said. "Why doesn't he move to stop the pain?" My friend then said something that I'll never forget, "He's not moving because it doesn't hurt enough."
That left a mark. A deep, indelible mark.
Never stay in the same place moaning and groaning and NOT make a change because it doesn't hurt enough. If you're not feeling great about your daily progress and the direction you're going then MAKE A CHANGE. It's springtime, there's still time.