Holy smokes.

We just wrapped up IRONMAN 70.3 Atlantic City and I'm in full event hangover mode. Everything is sore, my sleeps are not quite restful yet, I've got 11 million emails to get to, my kids have grown an inch, and my focus is STILL FUZZY. All totally normal.
I have a few takeaways from this past weekend that I'd like to share, so here it goes:
- Our athletes love racing IRONMAN 70.3 events. It was crystal clear by the attendance at our Athletes Briefings that those who sign up for 70.3, 100% love racing with IRONMAN. And why shouldn't they? Do you realize how hard it is to produce these things? Do you know how big your staff needs to be? How skilled? Dedicated? I encourage anyone out there to take a look behind the curtain of a 70.3 and try to hang with us on event day, I'm pretty certain most peeps would tap out by 3pm... cause at that time, we're already 13 hours into our day. 😉
- Saintes Femmes (holy smokes) the Canadians Are Back! We had a massive contingency of French speaking Canadians racing IRONMAN 70.3 Atlantic City. It was evident that after the pandemic and all the restrictions in which were put in place our friends from the north were super pumped to race. This is not only a great sign for triathlon but for our region tourism efforts in general.
- I give an A+ to the weather gods and all her friends. WOW. We really could not have asked for better conditions race morning. High tide in the bay, a light chill in the air, a little breeze, and phenomenal clear skies. No matter what we do for an event, or how well we execute, if we don't have the weather on our side almost no one is happy. Everything is better when the weather cooperates; photos, videos, spectator experience, volunteer retention, you name it... it's all better.
- Beach events are tough. We threw a curveball to our crew 1 month before the race. Instead of having our awards and post event food on the boardwalk at Kennedy Plaza, we convinced the powers that be to do it all on the beach like we did at the Atlantic City Triathlon... and they let us! This is the power of when a global corporation (that is the best at what they do) listens to its local partners on the ground. We created an authentic 70.3 experience unlike any other on the East Coast. We're proud of that and we know this is one of the reasons people keep coming back to IM70.3AC year over year.
- I thought the triathlon gods placed me in Atlantic City this past weekend to produce a world class event, which we did. But they didn't. As I was heading home at 11:04am and turning off the exit 7S on the Atlantic City Expressway, I witnessed a car wreck with a gentleman laying in the road next to his vehicle. I promptly pulled my truck/trailer over, ran over to fella, who was in shock, called 911, and assisted moving him to the side of the road out of harm's way. It was intense and all instinct. As ACE safety crew, an ambulance, and state troopers arrived, I gave my statement, they thanked me for help and I went home. I thought to myself, "All along I thought I was in AC for one thing, and it turns out I was there for another. Hmm."
I bet you weren't expecting that one huh? Me neither. We planned, we executed, we broke it all down, and we saved a life, that's a full weekend.
What's up next? Our priorities will be shifting with our final DelMoSports event of the season upon us: The Crest Best Run Fest on October 8-9. The event has a half marathon, 10 miler, 10k, 5k, kid's race, and doggy derby. This is an amazing opportunity to see the best of the shore during early fall and experience our home town in Wildwood Crest. As we make final preparations for Crest Best, we're simultaneously marketing the opening of the 10th Annual DeSatnick Real Estate Escape the Cape Triathlon presented by Inspira Health on October 4. Due to a STRONG pre-sale the week following the event in 2022, we have limited slots available for 2023 and fully expect to sell out on the first day. That's a good feeling, but a feeling that takes years to earn. After opening ETC, DelMoPRO takes center stage for the remainder of the fall helping to support dozens of events; most notably Philly Bike Ride, Race For Every Child, and WTS Bermuda. There are other events we will be working but more to come later on that.
As you can see, being spent is "not in the cards" right now. I, like you, need to focus and check the boxes that will ultimately lead to a strong finish.
Enjoy your September everyone!
love, delmo