The following is going to be most relatable to anyone who aspires to do and be great. Read on.

My mother, who is an immigrant, and came to this country with NOTHING taught me a great saying, of which she did not invent, but has stuck with me: "We make plans, and God laughs." I don't know what you believe in nor do I care, but no truer words have ever been spoken.
The “daze” of summer has fully set in and its only mid-July and all I'm trying to do is get Back To Zero.
Back to Zero has been my mantra for quite some time now. What does this mean really? Why am I not more optimistic? What's going on?
BTZ is all about fighting the good fight and at the end of the day resetting for the next day so you are prepared to achieve whatever goals you have set in order to deal with the unforeseen circumstances of reality that are most certainly coming your way.
There's a great saying in the event production world, it goes something like this:
"Any person can do what we do, but when things go sideways, and they will, that is where we step up." N. Pingley
BTZ means your plans have been derailed for the day and all you want to do is 'hold your ground" until the following day. Think of it like field position in football. Sometimes, it's more important to take the safe route instead of trying to score... that could not be truer.
Are you signed up for a triathlon this summer... maybe an IRONMAN? Chances are, your beautifully laid out training plan which is color coded, organized, and looks soooo perfect is going to wind up looking like anything but what you thought it would. Some days, you're not going to be able to get out of the door because of weather, work commitments, family obligations, and sometimes YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FEEL LIKE IT. Heck, I didn't even talk about injury yet.
This is what Back To Zero means. It means, yes, you were supposed to get to the gym, or you were supposed to hit the pool, but LIFE happened, and you needed to adjust. That's it. So, maybe all you did was a 10-minute YouTube Yoga session, made sure all the laundry was done, put the dishes away, and swept the floor knowing you did what you could do considering the circumstances. To me, that's winning, not just holding the line. To me, if all you could muster up was handling LIFE for the day, then you got Back To Zero.
There are plenty of people at the starting line who are empty inside because they mislead themselves into believing their workout was more important than their REAL commitments. Read that again. Don't be that person. Handle your business, your life, and your love. Take care of yourself, but don't be consumed with OH MY GOD I NEED TO RUN FOR 90 MINUTES OR MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. I've been there, I've done that, and I've paid the price. If that means cancelling a few races on your calendar, then cancel them and schedule a beach day. YES, I'M A RACE DIRECTOR WHO IS TELLING YOU TO NOT RACE.
Get your butt Back To Zero, then look us up. We'll be here... soft sand and all:)
love, delmo